The Board

  • Mary Ferguson, Co-President

    Class of 2027 parent with a sixth sense for systems management. 📧

  • Ursula Schindler, Co-President

    Class of 2027 mom and the early college model’s biggest fan. 📧

  • Sebastian Hardy, Co-Treasurer

    Class of 2026 dad and urban planner. 📧

  • Brian Morris, Co-Treasurer

    Class of 2026 dad and lawyer. 📧

  • Anthony Massucci, Co-Secretary

    Class of 2025 father and seasoned PTA pro. 📧

  • Justine Zinkin, Co-Secretary

    Class of 2027 mother and nonprofit maven. 📧

  • Aisha Greene, Co-High School VP

    Class of 2027 mom and attorney at law. 📧

  • Ilaria Migliardi, Co-Early College VP

    Class of 2026 parent and fluent in six languages. 📧

  • Rona Tamir, Co-Early College VP

    Class of 2025 mother and storyteller extraordinaire. 📧

  • David Mizner, Co-High School VP

    Class of 2027 father and author. 📧

PTA Roles

In accordance with the Bylaws, the PTA cannot function without a President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer.

  • Preside at all meetings of the PTA and is an ex-officio member of all committees (except the nominating committee). Appoint committee chairpersons, delegate responsibilities to other association members, attend all regular meetings of the District 2 Presidents’ Council, and serve as a mandatory member of the School Leadership Team (SLT).

  • Assist the president and communicate with parents in 9th/10th grade (High School VP) and Y1/Y2 (Early College VP), respectively.

  • Record detailed minutes at all association meetings. Prepare notices, agendas, sign-in sheets, and materials for distribution. Maintain PTA mailing list and publish newsletters. Respond to all correspondence addressed to the PTA.

  • Responsible for all financial affairs and association funds. Maintain an updated record of all income and expenditures on school premises. Present treasurer's report at every executive board and general membership meeting. Prepare the PTA’s interim and annual financial reports.