2024-2025 PTA Meetings

General meetings are monthly Thursdays from 6:00-8:00pm.

All our meetings are hybrid–both in-person in the gym and online on Zoom.

  • September 19, 2024. Agenda | Minutes

  • October 24, 2024. Agenda | Minutes | Recording

  • November 14, 2024. Agenda | Minutes | Recording

  • December 19, 2024. Agenda | Minutes | Recording

  • January 30, 2025. Agenda | Minutes | Recording

  • February 27, 2025. Agenda | Minutes | Recording

  • March 27, 2025. Agenda | Minutes | Recording

  • April 24, 2025. Agenda | Minutes | Recording

  • May 29, 2025. Agenda | Minutes | Recording

2023-2024 PTA Meetings

Catch up on the last school year’s meeting minutes!

  • General PTA Meeting Notes –

    Meeting started at 6:00 PM

    1. Michele Orecklin outlines the meeting agenda.

    2. Treasurer’s Report

    Discussed grants, matching donations, and how families can help support the PTA.

    Outlined the areas at our school the PTA supports, such as art supplies, class trips, uniforms.

    Also discussed: Jupiter platform, potluck in October, SLT elections.

    Voted on Jupiter platform, which was approved.

    3. Principal’s Report: Stephen J. Chaterpaul, Principal

    -Pupil Path and move to Jupiter platform.

    -Lunch and lateness by students post-lunch & student attendance

    -His 9 years at BHSEC, career and life history

    -His core values

    -Academic policy, Grading platform & practices

    -Student’s badging implementation

    -Q&A with parents in attendance

    -Curriculum night

    -Google Classroom vs. Jupiter

    -Use of student’s free periods

    -Student Town Hall

    -CAAS system

    -Student Assignments

    The next PTA meeting is October 26 at 6:00pm.

    Meeting concluded at 8 PM

  • General PTA Meeting Notes –

    Meeting started at 6:00 PM

    1. Michele Orecklin introduced the executive board.

    2. Treasurer’s Report:

    Bard’s PTA website discussed.

    Ask for donations and how to support the PTA.

    Annual Appeal plans.

    3. Principal’s Report: Stephen J. Chaterpaul, Principal

    Discussed MySchools, Jupiter and Operoo program.

    Pupil Path and the move to Jupiter platform.

    Explanation of login to Jupiter.

    Introduction of Carol Turitz, Parent Coordinator, to parents in attendance.

    The next PTA meeting in November.

    Meeting concluded at 6:15 PM for potluck in the Bard Yard

  • General Meeting Notes—

    Meeting started at 6 PM

    1. President Report: Michele Orecklin

    2. Principal Report: Stephen Chaterpaul

    -Upcoming PSAT & SAT days 

    -Schedule for the coming months.

    3. Treasurer Brent Stehmer: Report.

    -PTA looking for a new accountant.

    -Health of PTA

    -Annual Appeal Update

    -Fundraising Needs.

    4. Applerouth: Heather Meadows Presentation

    5. Resume President report/Q&A From Parents

    Grants, New Business, Homework Policy and parent concerns.

    Meeting concluded at 7 PM.

  • PTA General Meeting Notes—

    1. Meeting begins on zoom at 6pm

    2.PTA co-presidents Michele Orecklin and Ros Scaff explain meeting agenda has been set due to concerns of parents, primarily in the 10th grade, about the amount of homework and resources to deal with the mental health implications. Dr. Chaterpaul will speak first, then he and AP Christina Canty will answer questions to be read by Michele and Ros.

    3 6:10 Principal Chaterpaul shares a slide presentation on how/why amount of homework fluctuates over the course of four years. Explains why this has been the case, particularly the rise from 9th-10th grade, given the demands of the college program. Relates results of survey indicating in which classes students spend the most time doing homework. Explains accreditation process via Bard College

    4. 6:30 Participant questions. Parent questions read by PTA co-presidents. Concerns are raised about lack of adequate resources to address mental health. AP Canty and Principal Chaterpaul encourage parents to encourage their children to speak to their teachers as first line of defense. Parents question transparency re: results of a survey administered to 10th graders. Dr. Chaterpaul discusses the difference between homework “policy” and homework “guidelines.” Parent questions what recourse students have if/when they are unable to complete homework. Parents express concern over sleep deprivation due to homework.

    5. Meeting adjourns at 8pm

  • General PTA Meeting Notes—

    Meeting started at 6:00 PM

    1. President’s Report:Jennifer Weiss stands in for Michele Orecklin and Rosalyn Scaff, PTA co-presidents. Discussed tonight’s meeting agenda.

    Added May 2, 6pm in-person meeting

    May 23 meeting, also in personPTA Positions open, holding elections “Please submit name and brief bio.”


    2. Treasurer’s Report: Brent Stehmer

    Looking for a new co-treasurer “I do not have so much good news, Money will be, and is, tight.Running at a deficit for the past year." Asked if parents know of grants.


    3. Principal’s Report: Dr. Stephen Chaterpaul Discussed the faculty, Year 2 students applying to colleges, Staff cruise around Manhattan.


    6:25pm: Bard Year 2 students introduced.

    Discussed challenges and successes with college applications, what they want to study and college essays. Advice: Start essay over summer and get feedback CUNY schools take Bard credits.

    Meeting ended at 7:30 PM