Phones in School 📵

Q: Is there a strict school phone policy?
A: The goal of the BHSEC Cell Phone Policy is to set realistic expectations for students and preserve our school culture. In principle, the policy reflects that cell phones have both appropriate and inappropriate uses in schools.

Q: Say more about “appropriate use”.
A: Appropriate use is similar to laptops or tablets: when reading or studying, taking notes, doing classwork, checking grades/feedback/email, or quietly enjoying music.

Q: What constitutes inappropriate use?
A: Inappropriate use disrupts school culture, distracts from learning, facilitates academic dishonesty, threatens or harasses a member of the community, or poses safety concerns. Examples include phone calls or FaceTime in school, texting during class, creating social media content, bullying, cheating, recording others without consent, disruptive music/games/video, ordering deliveries to school, or uses not conducive to BHSEC’s academic culture.

Q: When is it ok for students to use their phone?
A: During free periods and lunch in the cafeteria or courtyard, in the Library or hallways with volume off, and in classrooms at the instructor’s discretion. Students should use their best judgment to stay focused on their school day.

Q: When is it not ok for students to use their phone?
A: Between class periods, in the bathroom, while walking in hallways, in stairwells, during evacuation drills, or during school events.

Q: When can I use AirPods or other headphones?'
A: Only when cell phones are permitted.

Q: Do students bring a computer to school?
A: Much of the work in high school is submitted online, so students will benefit from access to a computer during their school day. There are also school laptops available for classroom use.

Q: How can parents support the cell phone policy?
A: Avoid calling or texting students while they are in class to minimize disruptions at school. Should an urgent matter arise, go old school and call the main office at 212-995-8479


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